Friday, February 27, 2009

Just having a play with the camera

In 6 days .. guess how many photos I've taken?
OK so now I've said that you're thinking BIG numbers right? ... so I've totally ruined the shock.


Out of all of those there is about 20 I like. And most likely in 5 years time, this will be wittled down to possibly 1 or 2 and a "what the hell where you thinking posting these up here?"

But for the purposes of learning and getting this blog up and moving along, here are some I currently like. Mostly because of the fact I have the aperture, SS and ISO figured out!!! LOL

The first three are all Mummy shots.

Ferns near our back door.
A friends fresh baby! This was taken while he was in the car - but am getting some "proper newborn shots" next week! YAY!